Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

PIdato Bahasa Inggris - Tolerance

Selamat datang di blog aku,

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Sumber Gambar : Health Coach

Sekarang aku akan upload salah satu pidato yang aku buat sewaktu mengikuti salah satu lomba pidato bahasa Inggris di Kota ku, semoga bermanfaat dan jika ada kesalahan grammar ataupun typo dimohon koreksinya :) 


Everybody knows that Indonesia is a highly diverse nation with hundreds, if not thousands, of different culture, ethnicity, race, religion, local language, lifestyle, and basically everything. But let us focus on one aspect of the diversity, religion. Indonesia is a heavily Muslim-majority country, in fact it boasts the largest Muslim population in the world. The second-most prevalent religion is Christianity, following after Christianity is its sister religion, Catholicism, hindu, buddhism, and Khong Hu Chu.

Indonesia has been liberated for 71 years. Indonesia has a national motto : Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which is Sanskrit language for Unity in Diversity.  But the religious conflicts still happen in our beloved country Indonesia. For example the turbulance in Jakarta in November 1998, has caused the destruction of a mosque, 11 churches, two Christian schools. In 1999 there has been a major conflict between Christians and Muslims in Ambon and surrounding areas. Houses, shops, places of worship, and government offices were burned and thousands of people were killed. And religious radicalism which attacks against certain religion.

The fact said that these conflict is really concern happen in our country. While all religions teach goodness and truth. The Constitution also has guaranteed the freedom to embrace and implement the teachings of religion for all Indonesian people. But the religious conflict  still happen. Because the first is,  the difference between the conception of religious people, almost all aspects of the religious conception of God and living arrangements, suspicious among religions to one another, a lack of respect and mutual understanding in religious life, the feeling that their religion is superior so they are insulting other religions, and the treatment is unfair among religious communities so it can increase the  jealousy among religious communities, so it can cause the conflict among religious communities.

I believe that our diversity as a nation especially diversity of religion,  inherent values of mutual appreciation and respect. There is unity in diversity, the diversity of the inherent values of brotherhood. It is the real meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal ika. Live according Bhinneka Tunggal Ika same as choir, there is bass, there is tenor, there is soprano, and alto. Even though it different but when we are singing the same song, the result is harmony. The beauty of that song is not because we are singing the same tune but it’s created by the diversity of harmony. When diversity into harmony and unity, the result is power without limits.
So how can we achieve the harmonization among religous communitites ? The answer is only one, tolerance. John E. Esposito  said  that tolerance means I will not throw you out of my community, I will not stop interacting with you even if you are different, I will not forbid you to be my neighbor. Therefore, Religious tolerance should be reflected in the actions or deeds that shows mutual appreciation, respect, helpfulness, and love. Including show respect for others religion and others’ faith, respect others’ religion worship, do not destroy others’ place of worship, and do not insulting others’ faith. So that, the religions will be able to serve and run a religious mission  well so that the it will create a good atmosphere of life and living in harmony in the society  and nation.
In terms of religion we may have different faiths but it does not mean that we are hostile. As the part of Indonesia, and as a young generation of Indonesia we have to make diversity as a  strength to achieve national goals for the sake of a better life.
Semoga bermanfaat :)
Tolong tinggalkan jejak yah ....

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