Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

Pidato Bahasa Inggris - Education

Welcome to my blog,

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Sumber gambar : Nicoledero.wordpress.com

Di post kali ini aku akan membagikan pidato yang aku buat untuk lomba bahasa Inggris, semoga bermanfaat :)
Dan jika ada kesalahan grammar ataupun penulisan, mohon perbaikannya.

How Important The Education to Our  Future As a Young Generation

Ladies and Gentlemen
I believe in education. Without education I couldn’t stand here today, speaking to you in english.
Education is more than reading, writing, and arithmatic. It is one of the most important investment a country can make in it’s people and it’s future, and is critical reducing poverty and inequality.

No matter how much we hate waking up early for school or studying all night for those tests and exams, we all know that education is very important. Now, I am not saying that uneducated man has no chance of being successful or an educated man will surely do well in life.  Exceptions are always there. However most of us will agree that an educated person gets better opportunities in life. It is easier for him to become successful and realize his dreams as compared to someone who is uneducated.   

Ladies and Gentlemen
“Education is the Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use to Change the World. “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation” it was the quote from Mr. Nelson Mandela. That tell  us how important the education.

So, Ladies and gentlemen, these are the important thing of the education to our future :

1.      Keeping Up with the world
We live in an ever changing world. New technologies keep coming up and if you don’t want to be left behind, you must keep up with the world which is moving really fast. Without education it will be really difficult for you to adapt to all these changes. An educated person is much more aware of the latest technologies and all the changes that are taking place in the world. For example, an uneducated person may not know about the benefits of the internet while an educated person uses this gift of technology regularly for work as well as for entertainment.
2.      Education gives you the confidence to express your views and opinions.
3.      For economic growth for the Nations
Australia, USA and Japan are few countries with very high literacy rates. These countries are extremely prosperous and the citizens have a high per capita income.  On the other hand, in underdeveloped and developing nations, where literacy rate is not as high, a number of people are still living below the poverty line. Education is vital for the economic prosperity of a nation!
4.      Save you from being cheated or fooled
5.      Turns your dreams into reality
6.      Equality
If we want to see the world as a just and fair place where everyone is given equal opportunities, education is what we require. Education is a must if we want to do away with the existing differences between different social classes and genders.  It opens a whole world of opportunities for the poor so that they may have an equal shot at well paying jobs. Education also plays a major role in women empowerment.
7.      Money
An educated person has more chances of landing up a good high paying job. Everybody wants a good life,right ? It may be called as the “root of all evil” but most people will agree that money is important for survival in today’s world. The more educated you are, the better career options you have!
8.      For a Happy and stable life

So, ladies and gentlemen
Everyone has the right to have  a good education. When young people are educated they are more likely to be aware of their rights  and better be able to make sure these right are respected. Unfortunately, not every child and young people around the world has access to education. It’s happen because they are too poor or they don’t have acces to educational facilities.

As education is a human right, it’s everyone’s responsibility to advocate for accesible and affordable education for all !

I Think that’s all my speech. Thank you very much for your good attention and good morning everybody.  

tolong tinggalkan jejak yah :)

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