Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

Naskah Drama Sleeping Beauty


Image result for sleeping beauty
Sumber Gambar : Disney+

Scene 1
Narrator In a far away land, long ago, lived a king and his fair queen. For many years they wanted to have a child.
King         : Ah, if only we have a child.
Queen      : But how ?
King        I don’t know, my queen.

Scene 2
Narrator : But they never had child.  One day the queen was bathing, a frog leaped out of the water onto the land, and said to the Queen.
Frog       : Your wish shall be fulfilled, before a year has gone by, you shall have a daughter.
Narrator : What the frog had said came true.

Scene 3  
Narrator : Year Passed by, and a daughter was born and they called her Aurora. Yes, they named her after the dawn for she filled their lives with sunshine. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom, so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant princess.
Choir : . . . (Singing a song)
Narrator      : Thus on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long awaited royal birth.
Announcer : Their royal highnesses, King Harry and Queen Ann.
Fairies         : (at the cradle) Oh, the little darling! (to the king) Your majesties...
Flora            : Each of us the child may bless with a single gift.  No more, no less.  (at the cradle) Little princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty.
Fauna           : Tiny princess, my gift shall be the gift of song.
Merryweather : Sweet princess, my gift shall be ...

Narrator : A blow of the wind, the door of the castle swings open. Lightning and thunder.  Maleficent appears
Flora         : Why, it's Maleficent!
Merryweather : What does she want here?
Fauna      : Shhh!
(Merryweather starts angrily starts to fly towards Maleficent but is held back by Flora)
Maleficent : I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation.
Merryweather : You weren't wanted!
Maleficent : Not wa...? Oh dear, what an awkward situation. I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight. Well, in that event I'd best be on my way.
Queen : And you're not offended, your excellency?
Maleficent : Why no, your majesty. And to show give a gift to the sweet child.
(The fairies protect the cradle)
Maleficent : Listen well, all of you! The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. But, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die.
Queen          : Oh no! (takes the child in her arm)
Maleficent : Ha, ha, ha, ha!
King             : Seize that creature!
Maleficent : Stand back you fools!
(disappears in a flash of lightning, laughing)
Flora           : Don't despair, your majesties. Merryweather still has her gift to give.
King            : Then she can undo this fearful curse?
Merryweather : Oh no,
Flora          : Maleficent's powers are far too great.
Fauna        : But she can help!
Merryweather: But ...
Fauna        : Just do your best, dear.
Flora         : Yes ...
Merryweather : Sweet princess, if through this wicked witches trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give at thee. Not in death but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you'll keep, and
from this slumber you shall wake when true love's kiss the spell shall break.

Narrator : But King Philip, still fearful of his daughter's life, did then and there decree that every spinning wheel in the kingdom should on that very day be burnt. So it was done.

Scene 4
[The fairies alone in the castle, drinking tea]
Flora                    : Silly fiddle faddle!
Fauna                  : Now, come have a nice cup of tea, dear. I'm sure it'll work out somehow.
Merryweather :  Well, a bonfire won't stop Maleficent.
Flora                    : Of course not. But what will?
Fauna                  : Well, perhaps if we reason with him.
Flora                    : Reason?
Merryweather : With Maleficent?
Fauna                  : Well, he can't be all bad.
Flora                    :Oh, yes, he can.
Merryweather : But what won't he expect, he knows everything.
Fauna                  Oh but she doesn't dear. Maleficent doesn't know anything  about love, or kindness, or the joy of helping earnest. You know, sometimes I don't think he's really very happy.
Flora                    : (getting excited) That's it, of course! It's the only thing he can't understand, and won't expect. (to herself) oh, oh, now, now ... We have to plan it carefully, let's see, woodcutters cottage, yes, yes, the abandoned one, of course the King and Queen will object, but when we explain it's the only way ...
Merryweather : Explain what?
Flora                    : About the three peasant women raising a foundling child deep in the forest.
Fauna                  : Oh, that's very nice of them.
Merryweather : Who are they?
Flora                    : It’s us
Fauna                  : Take care of the baby ?
Merryweather : will we have to feed it and wash it and dress it and rock it to sleep ?  Oh I'd love it.
Fauna                  : You really think we can ?
Flora                    : If humans can do it, so we can.
 Merryweather : And we have our magic to help us.
Fauna                   : That's right.
Flora                     : Oh, no, no, no, no, no magic!  I'll take those wands right now.
Merryweather : You mean, live like mortals? For sixteen years? (Flora removes Merryweather's wings) Now, we don't know how. We've never done anything without magic.
 Fauna                : we can do it, right now.
Merryweather : Come along now, We must tell their majesties at once.

Scene 5
Narrator : So the fairies carrying the baby away. So the king and his queen watched with heavy hearts as their most precious possession, their only child, disappeared into the night

Narrator : And so for sixteen long years the place of the princess remained a mystery, while deep in the forest, in a woodcutter's cottage, the good fairies carried out their well-laid plan. Living like mortals, they had reared the child as their own and called her Briar Rose

Scene 6
Narrator :On this her sixteenth birthday the good fairies hadplanned a party and something extra special for her surprise. (Briar Rose comes down the stairs and finds the fairies)
Briar Rose         : Well, and what are you three dears up to?
Merryweather : Up to?
Fauna                  : Up to?
Flora                    : Up to?
Flora                    : Eh, eh, eh, we, we, well, we, we ...
Merryweather : Want you to pick some berries.
Flora                    : That's it, berries!
Briar Rose         : Berries?
Fauna                  : Lots of berries.
Briar Rose         : But I picked berries yesterday.
Flora                    : Oh, we need more, dear.
Fauna                  : Lots, lots more.
Flora                    : Yes!
(The fairies push Briar Rose out of the house)
Flora                    : Now don't hurry back, dear.
Merryweather : And don't go to far.
Flora                    : And don't speak to strangers.
Fauna                  : Goodbye, dear!
Merryweather : Goodbye!
Flora                    : Goodbye!
Briar Rose         : Goodbye!

(The fairies close the door and get back inside)
Merryweather : I wonder if she suspects.
Flora                    : Of course not, come on. She will be surprised.
Merryweather : A real birthday party.
Fauna                  : With a real birthday cake.
Flora                    : Yes, and a dress, a princess can be proud of.
Flora                    : And I'm making the dress.
Merryweather : But you can't cook, and she's never cooked!
Flora                    : Oh, it's simple.
Fauna                  : All you do is follow the book. 
Flora                    Now, dear, we decided pink was her color.
Merryweather : You decided!
Fauna                  : (still reads from the book)  Two eggs, fold in gently.  Fold? Oh well.  

Scene 7
 (Briar Rose walking through the forest. she starts to sing) 
Briar Rose : I wonder, I wonder, I wonder (singing a song).
Briar Rose : Oh dear, why do they still treat me like a child.
Anima         Who?
Briar Rose : Why, Flora and Fauna and Merryweather. They never want me to meet anyone. (to the animals)
But you know something? I fooled 'em. I have met someone!
Animal        : Who? Who? Who?  (the animals get more and more excited as she tells the story)
Briar Rose : Oh, a prince. Well, he's tall and handsome and ... and so romantic.  Oh we walked together, and talked together, and just before we say goodbye, he takes me in his arms, and then ... I wake up. 
Briar Rose : Yes, it's only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a thing more  than once, It's sure to come true. And I've seen him so many times!
Briar Rose :  (Briar Rose starts to sing a song)
 I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam

And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
Phillip         : The way you did once upon a dream
Briar Rose : Oh? (turns around and sees Phillip) Oh! (tries halfheartedly to run off, but is held by Phillip)
Phillip         I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.
Briar Rose : Oh it wasn't that. It's just that you're a, a ...
Phillip         : A stranger?
Briar Rose : Hmm-hmm.
Phillip         : But don't you remember? We've met before!
Briar Rose : We, we have?
Phillip         Of course, You said so yourself: Once upon a dream! (start to sing).

Phillip         : Who are you, what's your name?
Briar Rose : Hmm? Oh, my name. Why, it's, it's ... Oh no, no, I can't, I ... Goodbye!  (runs off)
Phillip         : But when will I see you again?
Briar Rose : Oh never, never!
Phillip         : Never?
Briar Rose : Well, maybe someday.
Phillip         : When, tomorrow?
Briar Rose : Oh no, this evening.
Phillip         : Where?
Briar Rose : At the cottage, in the glen.

Scene 8
Narrator     : After that, Briar Rose or Aurora went back to home.
Briar Rose : Flora, Fauna, Merryweather! Where is everybody?  (sees a dress and cake) Oh!
Fairies         : Surprise, surprise!
Fauna          : Happy birthday!
Briar Rose : Oh you darlings, this is the happiest day of my life. Everything's so wonderful, just wait till you meet him.
Fauna          : Him?
Merryweather : Rose!
Flora            : You've met some stranger?
Briar Rose : Oh he's not a stranger, we've met before.
Flora            : You have?
Merryweather : Where?
Briar Rose : Once upon a dream!  (starts singing, and dances with Fauna)
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream ...
Fauna                  She's in love.
Merryweather : Oh no.
Flora                    : This is terrible!
Briar Rose         : (startled)  Why? After all, I am sixteen.
Flora                    : It isn't that, dear.
Fauna                  : You're already betrothed.
Briar Rose         : Betrothed?
Merryweather : Since the day you were born.
Fauna                  : To prince Phillip, dear.
Briar Rose         : But that's impossible! How could I marry a prince, I'd have to be ...
Merryweather : A princess.
Fauna                  : And you are dear!
Flora                    : Princess Aurora. Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Harry
Briar Rose         : But, but I can't! He's coming here tonight, I promised to meet him.
Flora                   : I'm sorry, child, but you must never see that young man again.
Briar Rose        : Oh, no, no! I can't believe it. No, no!  (Briar Rose runs upward to her room)

Scene 9
Narrator : After that, Briar Rose or Aurora and the fairies came to the palace. King and his queen was so happy met their precious daughter after sixteen years.
King         : Welcome to our kingdom, Dear!
Aurora    : Oh, I never dream something like that before.
Queen     : Oh, my daughter, you are really beautiful. Let me hug you, my dear. I miss you, Aurora.
Aurora   : I miss you too, Mom, dad.
King        : Thank you, Fairies. You take care of my daughter for sixteen years.
Flora      : You’re welcome, your majesty.
Merryweather : Aurora is a kind girl, she never bother us.
Fauna     : That’s true your majesty.
Aurora   : Mom, dad, i think this palace is really big. Can i see the kingdom by myself ?
King        : No, you can’t , dear. It is really dangerous for you.
Aurora   : Oh Dad, there are so many people in this palace. I won’t lose, and if something bad happen to me, of course they  will help me. Come on, dad! I just want to walk in this lovely palace.
Queen     : Let her to see this palace, honey. There are so many people here.
King        : Okay. You can see this palace by yourself but be careful.
Aurora   : Of course, your majesty.

Scene 10
Narrator : Aurora walked in the palace. And she saw a mysterious room in the old tower.
So, Aurora entered the room.
Aurora        : What’s in this room ? what it is ? ( Aurora point the spinning wheel)
Maleficent : It’s a spinning wheel
Aurora         : Can i see it ?
Maleficient : of course. come closer and look.
Aurora         : what is this ?
Maleficeint : it’s a spindle, my dear. Tocuh the spindle. Touch it I say.
Aurora         : Oh, it’s cut my finger! The princess droped to the floor and feel a sleep.
The king placed sleeping beauty in a beautiful room. The good fairy came to the castle.

Scene 11
Flora                    : “You called me, here i am”
King                      : “Look at the princess”
Merryweather : “Don’t be afraid, she is only sleeping, you must all sleep for a hundred years, That way when she opens her eyes, she will not be alone”
Flora            : Keep calm, your majesty.

Narrator  So the fairies make all the people sleep until sleeping beauty wake up.

Scene 12
Narrator   : The castle ground became like a forest. In this part, the prince arrived. And he pushed back the branches.
Prince        : Wonder of wonders
Narrator  : There in front of him stood a castle with high towers. The young man stood stock still in amazement.
Prince Philip I wonder who this castle belongs to? How can the castle became threadbare
Narrator           He walk into the castle and see there are many people sprawl.
Prince Philip : Good heavens! They're dead!
Narrator          But in a moment, he realised that they were sound asleep.
Prince Philip : Wake up! Wake up!  Why you sleep here?

Narrator          He saw the most beautiful girl sleep in front of him and he tried to wake her by caress her.
Prince Philip Why all people in this whole kingdom is sleep? (He walks into the castle and fined a room where beauty sleep) Wow she is the most beautiful girl ever I see.…? Wake up……I‘m here for you, beautiful girl.
Aurora           Oh, you have been wake me and you come at last! I was waiting for you in my dream.  I've waited so long! What’s your name?
Prince Philip I’m Philip….the son of King Arthur. I come for you…
Aurora              Oh… I’m Aurora…. Thank you for wake me… (the princes invite Philip to meet her father). 

Scene 13
Aurora             Look, dad…. He has been wake me and make all people in this whole kingdom wake up...
King                  Who is he?
Prince Philip : Let me introduce my self your majesty… my name Philip. I’m the son of King Arthur… may I marry your daughter?
King                  :  My daughter, do you want to marry with Philip…?
Aurora            Of course dad…
King                 Ok,, lets we make wedding party for them..
Narrator        The spell is broken and the bad fairies destroyed.

(On the balcony, Fauna loses a tear.)
Flora         : Why, Fauna, what's the matter, dear?
Fauna       : Oh, I just love happy endings.
Flora         : Yes, I do, too.

Narrator : After that, the king celebrated the wedding party of Aurora with Philip.
Flora, fauna and merryweather was very happy. And they lived happly ever after.  

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